Monday, February 1, 2021

 Discounter Medical Marijuana Consultations in (Framingham) Ma.

CANNAMED The FIRST Doctor to offer MMJ Consultations in MA... Discounted Medical Marijuana Consultations & Hardship Entitlements for, SSI, Food Stamps, Low Income, Veterans, Welfare & Mass health. WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU! Step 1. Bring in your medical records, treatment or diagnosis Step 2. Bring in your Massachusetts I.D Step 3. Schedule an appointment to see the Doctor Step 4. Receive your Medical Marijuana ID Card & Recommendation Letter, if approved. Call us to schedule an appointment (508) 370-4420

why Cannamed of Boston?
When the Article and law passed in Massachusetts for Medical Marijuana, Cannamed stepped up to the plate!
NO Other Physicians wanted to step up or put there name out there because of the risk that it would interfere with there practice and or career. Cannamed opened it's Framingham office in November of 2012.
We gave the people what they voted for and that was a compassionate doctor who put the patient first , would listen to there health concerns and help them.
Cannamed is now helping patients state wide.
Cannamed of Boston is now servicing the entire State of Massachusetts Telemedicine for Medical Marijuana Consultations.